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public’s confidence
民众信心  detail>>
harm public confidence
影响市民信心  detail>>
rebuild confidence in public housing
重建市民对公屋信心  detail>>
 n.  1.信任,信赖。 2.自信,确信;自恃。 3.(偷偷吐露的)秘密,心事。 4.(多指怀恶意的)胆量;厚脸,无耻。 &nb...  detail>>
confidence in
对……信任 对…抱怨 对…的信心 关系连接 信任信赖  detail>>
in confidence
私下的;秘密的 私下地, 秘密地 私下地,秘密地 私下里;秘密地;暗中 推心置腹地 信任  detail>>
in the confidence of
为...的知己; 参与...的秘密  detail>>
with confidence
满怀信心地 有把握地 自信地  detail>>
be full of confidence
有充分的信心  detail>>
be instinct with confidence
充满信心  detail>>
breach of confidence
破坏, 信用, 泄露机密 违反保密责任 泄密  detail>>
bridge of confidence
迎向光明  detail>>
build confidence
树立信心 树立自信心  detail>>
business confidence
经营信心  detail>>
circle of confidence
置位圆  detail>>
cone of confidence
置信锥  detail>>
confidence allowance
置信容许限  detail>>
confidence and effort
自信与努力  detail>>